Adopted by: Annual General Meeting of Irish ESRA Members
Date: May 16th 2009
Amended 27th November 2009 by eballot to include section on 2.8
Amended 20th May 2010 by open ballot at the Annual General Meeting
1. NAME:
1.1) The Name of the Society shall be:
“The Irish Society of Regional Anaesthesia”(ISRA).
The Society will have three nominated trustees (Appendix 1).
1.2) The seat of the society will be located in the Department of Anaesthesia, Cork University Hospital, Wilton Road, Cork.
1.3) The Council can, by a decision taken with the same majorities as required to change the bye-laws, decide to transfer the seat of the Society to any other place in Ireland.
The non-profit objectives of the Society shall be the advancement of standards and education in Regional Anaesthesia in Ireland. In furtherance of this objective the Society shall:
2.1) Provide a forum for discussion;
2.2) Stimulate research;
2.3) Collect relevant information and disseminate it to its members;
2.4) Provide expert advice and make recommendations;
2.5) Liaise with similar or relevant organisations in Ireland and internationally;
2.6) Encourage awareness of regional anaesthesia amongst the hospital and community medical and surgical practice;
2.7) Encourage awareness of regional anaesthesia amongst the general public.
3.1) Membership of the Society shall be open to any medically qualified person who is involved in the practice of anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia on the Island of Ireland.
3.2) Application for membership shall be open to persons who are not medically qualified at the discretion of the Council.
3.3) Every European Society of Regional Anaesthesia member resident in Ireland will be considered a member of the national body ISRA.
3.4) The Council may expel or suspend from the Society any member whose conduct is such as may, in its opinion, be injurious to the Interests of the Society.
3.5) Copies of the rules of the society will be made available on quest to each member electronically via email.
4.1) The management of the Society shall be vested in a Council:
- President
- Vice president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Training/Trainee Member
- Ordinary Member (may be ex-president)
- Membership Secretary
Notes: The Council may co-opt a maximum of two society members to the Council subject to ratification at the next A.G.M. Co-option shall be for a period of up to two years.
The term of office for each of these offices shall be two years. The Vice-presidency shall normally precede the Presidency.
4.2) Four members shall constitute a quorum for Council meetings.
5.1) Each member of the Council shall be elected for a period of three years and may stand for a second consecutive term of office.
5.2) Former Council members may stand for office again after a period of one year out of office.
5.3) Persons standing for election to the Council should, be duly proposed and seconded by members of the Society in Writing to the Hon. Secretary two weeks
prior to the A.G.M.
5.4) A secret ballot shall be held at the A.G.M. for all elections to office.
5.5) One doctor-in-training shall be elected to Council at the Annual General Meeting, having been nominated in writing at least two weeks in advance.
6.1) The Officers of the Society shall be elected by the Council. Members of the Council shall be eligible for election as Officers.
6.2) Officers shall be elected at a meeting of Council following the Annual General Meeting. Candidates for office shall be proposed and seconded by members of
the Council. Elections shall be by secret ballot.
6.3) Officers shall be elected for a period of two years, and may stand for a second consecutive term of office.
If the term of office of a Council member expires at a time when the member holds a position as an officer of the Society, the member may extend the term of Council membership by one year to accommodate the execution of duties as an officer.
The President shall chair all meetings of Council, the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting called. He or she shall have the right to membership of all Subcommittee and delegations of the Society.
Vice President:
The Vice-President shall normally be considered the President elect and shall fulfil the role of the President in his/her absence.
The Hon. Secretary shall:
· Notify Council members and society members of meetings;
· Prepare the agenda and record minutes;
· Notify members where appropriate of matters affecting the Society;
· Notify members of meetings including the Annual General Meeting, prepare the
· agenda and record the minutes;
· Conduct ballots as required for the election of Council members and Officers as required under the Constitution
· Take custody and ensure the safe keep of the seal of the society
The Hon. Treasurer shall:
· Collect subscriptions and issue receipts.
· Record the Accounts of the Society.
· Prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts.
· Incur such expenses and pay such monies as authorised by Council.
· Maintain a record of members of the Society.
· Make available the books of the society and audited accounts for inspection by the Registrar of Friendly Societies according to the schedule set out in Article 8 and by direct request of the office of the Registrar.
The Membership Secretary shall:
· Promote and recruit to the membership of the society (ISRA) and eligible individuals (Article 3) resident in Ireland.
· Retain a register of members of the society
· Collect membership fees when these fall due
· Liaise with the Honorary Treasurer and Secretary regarding matters arising in regard to membership administration